We Care About Our Masseuses. Their Safety Is Paramount
One week ago we had a situation with one of our best and most reliable masseuses that triggered all alarms and moved security to high alert. Within half an hour it was clear that what initially looked very serious was simply an issue of complete neglect by the masseuse.
On top of that, next morning this masseuse sent a sms to our office that she was ok (we knew that already!) and that we did not have to worry. No apologies, no excuse.
So when I called her to ask for an explanation, the discussion became rather unpleasant and left me no other choice than to terminate the working relationship with this masseuse. A pity for both of us.
A few days later we received an email from this masseuse. Obviously she had finally come to her senses… I can not elaborate on the issue in order not to compromise our method of operation in these situations, but the email this masseuse sent me was quite touchy; and flattering. She asked for reconsideration of my decision.
I take the liberty to publish part of this email, unedited. It tells you a lot how much we care about our masseuses.
Dear Lora,
In the last couple of days I had time to think about what happened. What I regret the most is the stress and worry I’ve put you and the office through. I’m sorry, I never intended something like this to happen.
Until you told me exactly what happened “behind the scene” in the office, I really didn’t realize that in fact I was lucky to have somebody care for me, and do everything possible to make sure I’m safe, if anything bad might have happened to me that night, or any other night.
That means a lot and it’s not easy to find everywhere. And for that I want to thank you – even though a bit late.
I regret the way our collaboration had to end. The way I’ve acted on the phone was disrespectful and out of line, especially considering that I’ve always was treated with respect and care by you and the office, and for that my behaviour in our conversation on the phone has no excuse.
During my work as a masseuse with Cloud9 I’ve always tried to be professional and respectful. I’ve tried my best to have as many returning clients as possible, to upgrade the massages, and got involved as much as I could in making it a successful job, and I admit it was a great experience to have. But I am upset and disappointed in myself for the situation that I’ve created now in the end, and in a way I still can’t believe what happened.
I now realise that I was lucky to find a job in your company for all this time, and I appreciate it. I only hope I could have a chance to fix the damage that I’ve caused.
Hopefully my work with your company for so long has proven how serious I am in my job and I hope you would consider giving me another chance. Either way I want to thank you for the time we’ve collaborated and for the care and respect you’ve showed me all this time.
I have replied to her that she will get a second chance. We will soon meet in central London and talk things over. Face to face and then bury it. I know she has learned her lesson so I am pretty confident that we can carry on as usual and send this amazingly good and talented person to our best London customers. To make them happy and relaxed. To make them come back for the best erotic massages in London.
For now I need to relax myself. My best friend Julie-Anne treats me to a night at the movies. We are going to watch my favourite actor, the legendary Fast & Furious 7 in 3D.