Recently we have been found out there are quite a few other companies are copying the basic information of our company ( Cloud 9) including the pictures location network designs and our private plans.
One of those company is called ‘Cloud Nine’ and they are using the equally same as our company. Big warning for all our customers this CloudNine has nothing to deal with our genuine company ( Cloud 9 ) so don’t get flicker by them
- 1 Cloud9 ( is a private Brand
- 2 Our website: – Cloud9 Nude Massage Website / – Cloud9 Escorts website
- 3 Our Wechat ID: oriental-massage
- 4 If you see any other companies have the same details with the original Cloud9, Cloud9 and ( will not take any responsibility of them.
- 5. To those who copy & simulate Cloud9: behave yourself, all our content & materials are under copyright protection, we reserve the right to take legal action against the abusers.